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10 Things You Have to Know About Jesus

If you are a Christian, you know who Jesus is. It was by accepting Christ  that you became Christ-like. This is the only way to be identified as a Christian—accepting Jesus and His teachings.

So, you can be saved—but how much of your Savior and His personality do you know? There are a lot of exciting truths about Jesus. The Bible says that if Jesus and all that He did on earth were written, no volume of books in the world could contain it all. (John 21:25).

This isn’t an attempt to create that record, but here are 10 vital things you have to know about Jesus Christ to enhance your relationship with Him and confidence in Him:

    1. Jesus is the Way

    It’s safe to start with this. Jesus is the way to God the Creator. He is not a way. He is not one of the ways. He is the only way to God.

    If you wish to understand the void in your heart and reconnect to your Maker to understand why you were made and are the way you are, Jesus is the right Door that will lead you to God.

    We were created in the first place because God had beautiful plans for humanity. But, Adam and Eve discarded God’s will and followed Satan. It separated them and their children (including you and me) from God.

    Jesus paid for the sin of disobedience with His life. Without the shedding of blood, there’s no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22). We can make our way back to God again through the path paved by Jesus’s blood. You can’t get to God the Father except through Him.

      2. Jesus is the Truth

      Jesus is the truth. He sums up our existence and its essence. And if you have questions about your life and the universe,  the content of this truth is in Jesus.

      When you unveil Jesus, you unveil the truth. Anything outside Jesus is deception set to destroy you. Adam and Eve’s mistake was stepping out of God’s Word (the truth — Jesus) and believing the delusion of the devil, a verified liar. 

        3. Jesus is the Light

        In the beginning, when God said let there be light, and there was light, that light was Jesus. Reading down to Genesis 1:14, we see where other lights, like the sun and moon, were created.

        In Genesis 1:4-5, we are shown how God separated the light from darkness.

        There are times when the moon or sun and the clouds collide, and everywhere is dim. It’s not so with Jesus! John 1:4-5 expresses how Jesus is light, and when He steps in, darkness has to give way because it cannot comprehend Him.

        Not only is Jesus light, but He is your light! (John 1:4). In Jesus, your spirit will be illuminated, and the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened to understand times, seasons, and eternity.

        Do you seek clarity? Seek Jesus.

          4. Jesus is the Good Shepherd

          Psalms 23 reveals the beautiful life awaiting us if we let Jesus lead us. He is the Shepherd that gently guides His sheep to cool waters and green grass. In other words, He watches over you to ensure you enjoy peace and rest. 

          If you hear His voice and follow Him, you will not want or lack. Goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life, and His presence will ever be with you.

            5. Jesus is the only Way to Please God

            In Mark 9:7, God revealed the way to please Him. He declared His pleasure in Jesus and instructed us to hear (obey) Him.

            Many people think that God is pleased by our “sacrifices” and good works, but Jesus is the source of the Lord’s pleasure. His sacrifice and atonement is enough.

            If you desire to live a life that pleases God, Jesus is the pattern. Listen to Him, do what He says, and live as He lived while on earth. Soon you will become a woman after God’s own heart.

              6. Jesus is the Medicine for Divine Healing

              Proverbs 4:22 affirms the Word of God as the source of perfect health for all flesh. And Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1, 14).

              If you are sick, get Jesus, and you will be made well.

              I have personally encountered the medicinal aspect of God’s Word. I was down in health recently and even attempted to take some tablets. But I kept hearing the voice of Jesus telling me to take in more Word instead, and I will be made whole. I am presently whole and sound without taking any external supplements.

              Honestly, there is power in the Word of God. Strong enough to make you whole.

                7. Jesus Understands Temptation

                Jesus sympathizes with your weaknesses.

                More than being God the Son, He was a human. And while on earth, He faced the exact temptations you are facing today without sinning.

                In Matthew 4:1-11, we see how Jesus was tempted with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, but He overcame. And you can do it too.

                  8. Jesus is the Vine

                  Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches.

                  As a believer, you are a branch of Jesus. You could be His eye, hand, leg, nose, etc. Irrespective of your past, you are now planted in Him, and if you abide in Him continually, you will become like Him — bearing much fruit.

                  If you detach yourself from Him, you will run out of saps and dry up. But if you stay put faithfully, His life will flow into you.

                    9. Jesus is Life

                    You are a spirit with a soul, living in a body. Your spirit is the real you.

                    Depending on your relationship with Jesus, you are either dead or alive. If He is your Lord, you have His life in you. That’s what receiving Jesus means — accepting His life.

                    The life of Jesus is eternal, an abundant life that never ends.

                    There is no life outside Jesus. In Him, we move and have our being. Allow Him to have full expression in you, and you will live unto eternity.

                      10. Jesus is Coming Soon

                      Jesus is returning quicker than we realize to receive the saints, and we will eventually live with Him forever and ever. Nothing can separate us from Him and the Bible tells us to prepare eagerly for His coming.

                      Are you ready for His arrival? Live righteously and be vigilant so you don’t miss the moment. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye. At the snap of two fingers, the believers will be raptured to be with their Lord. Always watch!