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Find the Joy in Missing Out (JOMO)

The fear of missing out can show up in so many ways. For me, it developed at a young age, as I grew up super sheltered. I always felt my lack of experience took away from my understanding of life. How could I know myself, if I didn’t try new things?

My curiosity began overshadowing the clean, Christian girl my parents raised me to be. Looking back, I know now the Lord was protecting me from things He never wanted me exposed to.

The Truth About FOMO

I’ve been a believer my whole life, but during college, I put my relationship with God on the back-burner. My imagination got the best of me. I spent time in places that were not conducive to the calling I knew was on my life. My free time consisted of drinking, smoking, and partying. I was bouncing from relationship to relationship in search of consistent attention. 

At 25, I re-dedicated my life to God, but turning away from the lifestyle I was living took time. I struggled with FOMO bad! A part of me still does. I have to continually remind myself what God has for me won’t leave me empty like all the things I was into before.

The fear of missing out kept me around people and in places that my heart was no longer connected to. FOMO is like a chain around my neck.

To my flesh, the only way to get free is to indulge and give into my curiosity. Every time I want to fold, I remember what Paul says in Romans 7:15: ”I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.”

He goes on to say that if we are agreeing that the law is good, then we can also agree that our sinful nature is the catalyst of our wrongdoings.

As a believer struggling with FOMO, it is so important for us to accept that we will always fall short of the glory of God. It is not meant for us to be perfect, but to seek righteousness. Our flesh will never stop wanting to live like the world, but it is better for us to miss out on the world, than the goodness of God. 

When I say seek righteousness I mean this: Starve your flesh, feed your spirit. Replace old habits, with new ones. Invest in relationships that push you towards purpose. For me, I had to change my environment completely. 

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It’s Never Too Late, Make the Change!

It’s spring of 2021, and I am emptier than I’ve ever been. I’m looking for the nearest bar—but not Jesus. I’m devoting my time to unhealthy relationships, but not Jesus. I’m binge watching every possible TV series, but not reading my word. I’m hoping for change, but my prayer life is nonexistent.

Even still, I felt the Lord tugging at my heart. Colossians 3:2-3 says, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” That tugging was God reminding me of the re-dedication of my life to Him and who He’s called me to be.

My fear of missing out quickly shifted to a fear of missed opportunities. The shame of wasted time was trying to take hold of me. When I saw young believers moving quickly in their purpose, I got frustrated. I’d tell myself “that should be you.”

Who would I be if I did the exact opposite of what I’m doing now? I asked myself this every day, until I made a small decision that catapulted me back in pursuit of Jesus. I started attending Sunday night service at a church I stumbled upon on Youtube, called Social Dallas. I was drawn to them by seeing people my age who were pursuing Christ. 

What drew me was the community. My mother would often say, “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” The company you keep has the ability to change the trajectory of your life!

Once I started spending time with people who were moving towards their purpose in Christ, I began to find joy in what I wasn’t doing anymore. The joy of missing out!

Nothing can compete with God’s plan for my life. To grow past my selfish desires, I have to accept that there are some spaces that I’m just not meant to be in.

There are people who aren’t for me to know on an intimate level. “JOMO” is understanding that God’s timing is special and very much worth the wait.