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5 Inspirational Women in the Bible

Beautiful accounts of inspirational women in the Bible abound. Women who took bold steps to maximize their potential instead of settling down for the average. Their unique actions will inspire us to let the power and grace of God have full expression in us and through us to the glory of the Father.

Below are five (5) of such women in the Bible:

1. Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38):

The life of Mary, the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus, is a blueprint for every Christian lady. She exhibited many virtues that caught Heaven and Earth’s attention. One such that every Christian lady should emulate is how she enabled the kingdom of God and His will to be established on earth.

God’s design from the Old Testament is that a virgin will birth the world’s Savior. And knowing that the Word of God can’t go void; if there was no virgin at the appointed time, God’s plans would have been hindered and delayed.

But by keeping herself for the glory of God, Mary contributed largely to the salvation of the world through Jesus. This should inspire all ladies, as God still loves and rewards chasteness.

2. Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha (Luke 10:38-42):

In a world compressed with so many pleasures and activities calling for our attention, Mary chose and focused only on the best. She discerned that the best part of life is at the feet of God and pursued that.

Mary has shown us by her actions what is truly needed in life. Living in God’s presence is the only source of true satisfaction. We can be faithful to men, but our primary aim should be pleasing God only.

3. The Poor Widow (Luke 21:1-4):

Most widows are associated with poverty because they depend on their husbands, but the sudden snatching of their spouses by death sets them back financially, coupled with the needs of their children. This could have been the case for this virtuous woman too.

But although she was described as a “poor widow” in the Bible, her heart was enriched with good content worth celebrating.

This poor widow, despite her penury, gave God her all. Rather than excusing herself of her condition, she understood giving is more blessed than receiving.

This woman has taught us that if we are willing, we can all give. And merely giving is not enough; we must give as much as the LORD demands.

4. Lydia (Acts 16:14-15, 40):

Lady Lydia is another inspirational woman in the Bible. She is remembered for her good act of receiving and housing the saints.

Many men and women are consumed with love for God and laying it all down for the spread of the gospel. These men and women often do this at the expense of their families, homes, comforts, and identity.

We can imitate Lydia in this by choosing to clothe such, feed them, house them, visit them, assist them, and what have you. Let’s reach out to the missionaries and ministers around us. They are all around us.

5. Priscilla (Acts 18:18-20, 24-26, Romans 16:3-5, 1 Corinthians 16:19, 2 Timothy 4:19):

Priscilla steals my heart in this account of inspirational women in the Bible.

Priscilla’s life mirrors the ideal roles women can play in ministry. She worked hand in hand with her husband to preach the gospel, perfect the saints, and edify the body of Christ.

Apostle Paul testified of her as his helper in Christ Jesus, who laid down her neck for the gospel of Jesus Christ and gave out her home as a church.

Surely, her reward will be great in this life and eternity.

Are you a young lady in ministry? Priscilla is your perfect model.

Merely reading about these inspirational women in the Bible has blessed me; I believe it’s the same for you too. But more than appreciating them, let’s follow their godly steps in pushing God’s will.