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Caitlin Ramirez Shares Her Journey into Ministry

Who were you and what was life like before Jesus Christ?

I was fortunate to have been raised in a Christian home. I am thankful for my parents’ example by taking us to church regularly, praying before meals, and declaring Christ as Savior. I was baptized at 13 years old, and never struggled with wondering if God was real or who He was. But as a Christian, I was living a double life and feeling no conviction of sin. I was born again at 19, and that was really incredible. It answered my questions about my purpose in life and my identity. God showed me my purpose and identity was being a daughter of God. 

At 21 years of age, I read a verse one morning in my college bedroom that was so clear and gently convicting: “If you love Me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15). That day I decided to stop birth control and stop being intimate with my boyfriend (who is now my husband), and wait for marriage. 

Then, throughout my twenties, I fell into sin again and stopped feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I had separated myself from the Holy Spirit, and now I know what I did. I had quenched the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). When we quench or grieve the Spirit, we don’t feel conviction of sin, and we live fully in the flesh, lust, deception, pride, and more. Now I also know quenching the Spirit is when we dismiss the Holy Spirit in our lives, or limit the moving of the Holy Spirit. 

In 2020, our oldest was 1 at the time, and the Lord started moving on my heart. I wanted more and maybe that was the Lord stirring me. One day in church (right before Covid hit), I was about to sing on stage, and in the back where all the singers and performers were, everyone was just quiet, and honestly the room felt dead.

It was so staggering to me, I wanted to shake the woman in front of me and say, “Hellooo! Aren’t we supposed to be happy and cheerful, and in prayer?!” But it was as if everyone was zoned out, and I was the only one who was feeling and seeing a huge problem–a disconnect. I see now that I was beginning to wake up from a slumber (Romans 13:11). I remember saying, “Lord, I want to go next-level with You. I want to know You more.”  

What made you want to start going deeper with the Lord? 

I was working at a construction company at the time doing administration, and I couldn’t even recite John 3:16 to my boss when I was trying to minister to him. That was a really shocking and eye-opening moment for me; that even though I felt awake and wanted more, there was obviously a problem because I couldn’t even witness to my boss. And I was supposed to be an example of a Christian? I began repenting and fully turning from the sin that I was ashamed of. 

I began asking the Lord to show me how to work on myself, how to not be a hypocrite, how to become a nicer and kinder wife to my husband, how to overcome sin and temptation and lust, and I kept telling God that I wanted to go deeper and go to the next level with Him. 

You began to wake up by this point. When did things begin to majorly shift in your mind? 

The Lord led me to prophetic ministries on YouTube, and that was a game changer. I saw what fully surrendered, unafraid evangelists and disciples of Christ looked like. They were doing deliverance ministry and I didn’t know what that was. They would pray and bless viewers online. They talked about how God spoke to them and showed them things, and gave them prophetic dreams, and how there was so much more, and were rebuking things in Jesus’ name. I had never heard of all this before, though I was a Christian my whole life. 

At the end of 2021, I began learning and reading about spiritual warfare and even bought a book to teach myself how to cast out a demon if I ever was given the chance.  

Early 2022, I started thinking to myself, “If I love Jesus, why am I not reflecting the fruits of the Spirit in my home? I was experiencing anger toward my husband and when my kids wouldn’t nap, and cursing at my husband in fights. Thankfully, I had finally started turning away from that and other sin that was a stronghold over me from the past. Praise God! I knew that if I wanted to be used by God in miraculous ways, I needed to live a life that was pleasing to the Lord, and be an example to my husband instead of a thorn. 

I used to focus on learning about emotional intelligence to improve my behavior and studying the impact of being in toxic work environments. In hindsight, I realized I was actually searching after the fruits of the spirit, but that work was preparation for God to use me in ways that I never imagined. The work I was doing on myself was also God pruning me for the things He was planning to show me. 

I saw another Apostolic ministry channel on YouTube where deliverance and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is normal, and learning to walk in authority was taught with love! I was like, “Woah!” I thought to myself, “THAT is my heart! That is what I want to do. I want to be used by God in miraculous ways like that!” Where people are set free and healed. People experience and encounter the love of Jesus and the glory of God!  

July 24, 2022: I found a new church where they believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. After service, I ran up to the pastor and said, “I want to get baptized in the Holy Spirit!” That day I was baptized in the Holy Spirit as three people were praying over me in tongues and in English. I was fully surrendering and crying out to the Lord, and ever since that very moment it’s like I have been living in the supernatural everyday! Two hours after, God put it on my heart to start a ministry and even confirmed it two days later.

I was delivered from the fear of men’s opinions, and the spirits of lust, anger, pride, and religion; and in exchange, God put a desire in my heart to preach the Word! 

Later, I was able to witness to a young man and lead him to Jesus. My whole body felt the power and glory of God and the man felt it too. The Lord gave me a vision of a little baby girl and told me that I now have faith like a child, and He is so well-pleased with me. He said that now when people see me, they won’t see Caitlin, but they will see that it is Me (God) speaking to them through me. I am a vessel!

I was unaware of the various levels of wisdom the Father reveals to His children depending on the level of our surrender, our pursuit of Him, and our maturity in Christ. I was ignorant to the fact that there is so much more to know about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and how we are to live on Earth until we are in Heaven. As we mature in Christ, God reveals more wisdom, discernment, and truth to us through the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. 

Once we accept Jesus, we are deposited the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of God. There is a level of anointing in every believer, but the majority of the body of Christ is asleep to this! 

What were the greatest challenges to your faith? 

Feeling isolated and misunderstood by the masses and family members. I was ignorant to the fact that many people are uncomfortable with change. Before understanding spiritual warfare, feeling powerless to sin, lust and temptation. Giving excuses to my flesh and letting sin happen. I allowed the Holy Spirit to be quenched, but now I know how to overcome. Now I SEE how it works. I see that the devil is a liar and his only power is through lies and lures. But the devil is already defeated through Jesus and as Christians, when we finally SEE that we are daughters of God and co-heirs with Christ who have authority and are empowered by the armor of God and the blood of Jesus, we trample on the devil! We move into the offense and no longer live on defense, Amen! We take the light of Christ that’s inside of us, and move into dark areas to push out darkness. 

How do you know that Jesus is real? Was there ever a defining moment when you knew? 

I praise God for my upbringing that I was raised in a Christian home and went to church every Sunday. My parents are married and the name Jesus was taught to me. Praise God that I always had a love for Jesus my entire life. What a gift my parents gave me. My life is a testament of this verse: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)

Aside from that, Jesus has become so much more real to me than ever before. He is tangible to where I know that He is right here with me and we do battle together in spiritual warfare. As a 33-year-old wife and mother raised Christian, I am seeing things clearly for the first time in my entire life within just the last 6 to 8 months. God has given me many prophetic dreams, the name of my ministry, and even moved me to leave my corporate job for ministry. 2022 has been the breakthrough year for me, though it started in 2020 when the Lord changed my thinking and strengthened me to turn from sin to start working on myself.  

Do you have any advice or word of encouragement for other believers and daughters of God? 

Let the Lord LOVE on YOU! Jesus wants to minister to you and care for you and take all of your burdens away. Exchange your burdens and weaknesses for His strength! It is not abstract though it might feel like it for many at first; but know this, a relationship with the Lord is tangible. There is NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS. MAY I SAY IT AGAIN. THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION TO THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS. Hallelujah! Remove any guilt or shame you feel after you’ve repented and the Lord’s forgiven you. You are free. You are forgiven. Any lingering doubt, guilt,  or shame, is from the devil because he doesn’t want you to experience the love and power of God. The devil wants you backsliding and questioning your identity and worth. No ma’am! You are a child of God! A co-heir with Christ Jesus, Amen! You are a royal priesthood and have authority over the enemy and as a daughter of God, you are empowered by the blood of Jesus. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, in Jesus’ name! 

Church at the Park 

I want every person to come to this loving knowledge of the love of the Father for us!  I hosted my first Church at the Park service last Sunday, November 13th. There was preaching the Word, singing, and a time for prayer and deliverance. The next one is December 18th and we will be having these services at the park every month. I desire to be a glory carrier. God has given me a burning desire to preach the Word of God with love and unafraid. Two strangers told me that God loves when I sing to Him, and that He is anointing my voice for prophetic worship. I know there’s so much more in store, Amen! 

Caitlin Ramirez is a wife, mother, and leader of White Dove Outpouring, a prophetic ministry birthed by the Holy Spirit.  Connect with her online on Instagram.