She Meets Christ was created by the leading of the Holy Spirit because the Lord loves His daughters. Something special happens when we gather in the name of Jesus—whether in person or digitally. The experience of being a young, millennial, woman in Christ is incredibly unique, nuanced, and often times—challenging. SMC is a place for the sincere, unapologetic expression of that experience. In Christ Jesus, we have power and authority over every situation, circumstance, or belief system that wants to rise against us. I hope this victory can be felt through every piece of writing.
I grew up in a Christian household with Nigerian parents where church and prayer were the norm and expected of us. I believed in God without a personal revelation of Him because He was the “God of Our Lives,” so to speak. During my college years, He saved me out of religion and I met Christ. Not the idea of Christ, but the reality of His Holy Spirit. I am fully convinced that meeting Christ is the single most beautiful encounter that could ever happen to a person. There must be spaces for expressing and documenting the many encounters that we have with this living God. For this reason, She Meets Christ exists to capture and tell the perspectives. May SMC be a home for you whether you have met, want to meet, or continue to meet Jesus in everyday life.
Mary Ann Nnalue