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How to Remain Strong Through Trials

Remaining strong during trials is more bearable when we see them the way God wants us to.

James 1:2-4 shows everyday life trials as an opportunity to strengthen our faith. These experiences teach us patience and help us perfect our spiritual understanding. 

We are constantly admonished to rejoice in trials as Christians, especially if we are afflicted for the sake of Christ. This is not because God delights in your suffering; rather, He cares for you.

What Does The Bible Say About Trials?

The Bible does not present trials as punishment for our mistakes or God’s way of seeing our faithfulness. First, understand that the common tribulations in the world are from the devil, not from God.

We can’t possibly talk about trials without mentioning Job, and we see from his story that Satan was the architect of his discomfort, while God was his redeemer.

How to Remain Strong Through Trials

God is interested in how you respond to trials. Rather than giving in to your overwhelming situations, He wants you to see Jesus as the pattern in everything, even in trials. Was Jesus ever tried? Yes. He was tested with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, hunger, and even death.

How did He remain strong through trials? 

Jesus was watchful enough to separate the works of the devil from the hand of God. He didn’t compromise and stood steadfast in his faith until He overcame.

We can use the following approaches that also sustained Jesus:

1. Pray Through It

God didn’t design you to face life alone. He wants to be involved in all that concerns you, even in your trials. And when the burden is overshadowing, like Jesus, you can ask Him to strengthen and deliver you.

By this, you are not allowing your trials to separate you from the love of God. You are increasing your intimacy by letting Him into your deeper fears.

Don’t be surprised when He suddenly floods your heart with joy and peace that makes no sense. At that moment, an angel is strengthening you as it was with Jesus.

2. Search the Scriptures

There is no better time to search the scriptures than during a trial. Instead of considering man’s counsels and condemnations, seek God’s opinion. Simply ask God, “How do you want me to respond in this situation?”

His Word is the lamp that will light your path. His Word is the voice that will show you the way to go. 

3. Fellowship With Other Believers

You might be tempted to distance yourself from the body of Christ, especially when they don’t understand your afflictions. Or, when you are misjudged like Job and even Jesus. Remember how they thrust judgmental words at Jesus for not saving Himself as He saved others?

But do not forsake your local church or the assembling of the brethren. There, you will find compassion. And in sharing the Word, prayers, and breaking bread, you will be exhorted.

As Job would say, “Though He slays me, yet will I trust in Him.” Get involved as much as you can in expanding God’s Kingdom, and no one will take away your reward.

4. Seek Godly Counsel

God can speak to us directly and even through other men.

Sharing your ordeal with elders in the church or your vicinity could help. There’s no temptation that is not common to all men. They might have been through similar valleys and can give you words that will encourage you.

People are more willing to support than you know. God purposely plants people in our lives so we don’t have to bear our burdens alone.

5. Trust in God’s Plan

Sometimes it’s hard to wait through the silence. Being tempted to take things into our own hands is so common.

But do not compromise! Every compromise has consequences. You have prayed; now lean on what God says to you in your spirit and His Word. Let Him direct the path you will take. It’s easier said than done but it’s imperative that we wait for God’s intervention in faith.

Remember Daniel in the lions’ den? Or Paul and his perseverance in 2 Timothy 4:7? Their stories are not just history; they are inspirations and examples for us to follow. They show us how faith can overcome the most significant trials.

Trials are part of life but they don’t have to break you! The Bible provides timeless wisdom and encouragement to help you remain strong (Isaiah 40:31). Trust in God, connect with your community, and take care of yourself. You can withstand any storm.