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How To Share Your Faith With Non-Believers

It’s hard to believe that we have a golden ticket to heaven through salvation in Jesus Christ. The world has trials, But God sustains us because our assignment as believers is to spread the Gospel that will save others from hell.

We are commanded to witness for Jesus and God is not pleased when we fail to do so (Mark 16:15). But how do you share your faith with unbelievers without being judgmental?

Here are 8 suggestions to help you share your faith in love, empathy, and wisdom:

1. Pray for God’s Guidance

Partner with the Holy Spirit by handing it over to God in prayers. He’s more invested in converting another soul than you! He desires that all men be saved, so express your burden for the person. Seek the Holy Spirit and He will give you wisdom and the right words. At times, He may even reveal information about the person that you can use as access.

2. Practice Empathy

Actively listen to their perspectives and struggles, being as understanding and sympathetic as possible. Acting as a friend and not just a preacher will make them feel welcomed around you and open up their hearts to receive the message eventually. 

3. Live by Example

Actions speak louder than words, and what we see inspires us more than what we hear. Remember that people will observe your lifestyle and everything you say. Let the Holy Spirit have full expression in your life and He will do the convincing of the heart.

4. Use Your Personal Testimony

Children are not the only ones that love stories; we all do. Personal stories strike a chord in us. Your story could even be similar to their own. So, tell them how God changed your mess to a message and how He can change their ashes to beauty. When the see your passion and vulnerability, they will be inspired to know God more.

5. Use Technology and Social Media

Media is a powerful tool that you can use to share your faith. Commit yourself to preaching the Good News in Jesus through your social media posts, blogs, videos, podcasts, and online platforms.

You can create unique handles for this, incorporate it into your lifestyle (as it should be), or join relevant online forums.

6. Invite Them to Christian Spaces

The great evangelist, Benny Hinn, encountered Jesus through a casual invite to a school morning fellowship.

If you don’t feel confident enough to speak or know what to say, invite them to your church, study group, or other events that center around Christ with a welcoming atmosphere.

7. Offer Christian Resources

Gospel tracks and other materials have saved a lot of souls and still do. The power of God is accessed through revelation, and there are anointed books that focus on glorifying God.

Prayerfully recommend books, podcasts, or videos for them and watch the miracle take place. These resources usually detail a problem and the only solution.

8. Ask Thoughtful Questions

Engage them with an open conversation on the essence of life and whether or not they are fulfilled. Follow up with sincere questions and hit your target when they truly open up to you.

She Meets Christ

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