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She Meets Christ is on a mission to capture and tell the stories of women in Christ. Seeking the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit, our digital platform directs its content to an audience of millennial Christian women craving solace in share experiences. We are always seeking fresh user-submissions from bright, new writers.

User-Submission Guidelines

  • Writing must be Christian faith-based, thoughtful (not cliché), and have a clear message.
  • You should understand SMC’s tone and voice by reading through our published articles on the site.
  • Be a genuine lover of Jesus Christ and the scriptural word of God. Your writing is inspired by a personal walk with God and a desire to channel God’s heart as a vessel.
  • All submissions must align with our statement of faith.

What we desire:

Relatable: Everything that has most millennial Christian women shouting, “so truuue” and “me too!” The good, the bad, and the uglywe just get it.

Faith: Your personal but scriptural teachings, knowledge, expositions, opinions, and revelations on matters within Christian faith.

Prayer: Christian living is all about prayer, but sometimes we can’t find the words. Help a sister out by sharing one that God has given you. Pieces should be 300-600 words. Example: A Prayer for Seasonal Depression

Encouragement: Inspirational pieces that exhort and uplift other women in difficult seasons. Tell your stories of triumph or growth. Who doesn’t need the motivation? (600-1200 words).

Relationships: Singlehood, friendship, romantic, marital and parental relationships require special grace that only God gives. Share your relationship experiences. (600-100 words)

Wellness: There’s a saying that “health is wealth.” Contribute all things healthy living, dieting, mental health, boundaries, and living out the mind of Christ. (600-1000 words)

Testify: Testimony time! How has God blown your mind lately? You can share your testimony of coming to Christ, how He helped you get into your dream school, and everything in between. (750-1200 words)

Seasonal & Holiday: Contribute a relevant article for holidays like Christmas, New Year’s, or Valentine’s Day. We also welcome seasonal posts on current events in culture. (750-1200 words)

What we don’t need:

  • Content rooted in new age or “spiritual” practices opposing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible.
  • Posts without a strong “take-away” or clear message that encourages women to seek and know Christ in some manner.
  • Truth is one of core values, but we strive to speak it in love. We will never accept anything hateful or condescending in nature.

For advertising or promotional posts, email

To submit an article, simply fill out the form below and we’ll reach out shortly.

Please note that these are both volunteer positions.
This will be shown under your published posts.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach your avatar / thumbnail for posts (square is recommended)
For contributing writers only
Paste your article submission or what you want to write about. What is the inspiration or intent behind it? What message do you hope to convey the reader?
Posts will credit Blogger as the original author, but will become the property of upon publishing. We reserve the right to freely accept or refuse any submission at our own discretion; as well as exercise agency to edit submissions for clarity or brevity as deemed necessary for publication. Bloggers are free to use or promote the content for their own purposes.