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Keeping the Christ in Christmas

The Christmas season is the most special time of the entire year. Everyone anticipates the extended time off from work and the holiday cheer that surrounds the churches, malls, and homes. Wherever you turn though, there’s Santas, eggnog, pine-scented bath bombs, and sales on bronze, tree-toppers. Not to mention the questionable nice or naughty lists that elicit more than a few furrowed brows. When you just want Jesus, it can be…a lot. The festivities can be overwhelming for the believer who wants Christ more than Christmas. If that’s you, then there’s no need to worry. There’s many ways that you can joyfully experience Jesus amidst it all. We’ve crafted a list of 5 practical ideas for keeping the Christ in Christmas this year.

1. Read the Gospels

The Christmas season is focused on the birth of Jesus Christ. Starting from His conception, you can encounter the story of Jesus’s life afresh with new eyes as you read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Though not mentioned as much during the holidays, the book of Acts and the New Testament epistles are also captivating reads. Marvel at the Christmas story and how Jesus entered this world through the womb of a woman as an infant, witnessed the kingdom of God with miraculous signs and wonders upon the Earth, and later ascended in glory after His crucifixion with the comforting promise of the Holy Spirit and His future return in glory. It’s the most amazing story ever written, but for the child of God—it’s exciting truth. Submerse yourself in the Word as the Holy Spirit brings it all to life. You might just receive a brand new revelation.

2. Fellowship with Others

There’s more to Christmas than gift-wrapping brigades. Instead, fellowship with your church, community, or brothers and sisters in Christ! Host or seek out events to gather in the name of Jesus for His glory. Come together with others for prayer, worship, and exhortation, sharing the word of God with joy. Where two or three are gathered are the name of Jesus, He is right there present (Matthew 18:20). This an opportune time to yoke yourself with like-minded believers and spur one another towards good works in Christ.

3. Evangelize

Christmas may be a popular holiday that is often spent indoors, but the harvest outside is still ripe with many who have not heard the complete gospel, if it all. The Lord loves the work of soul winning as do we, as believers. Share the message of hope and salvation in Jesus Christ with someone who has not heard it. Keeping the Christ in Christmas is easier when you recall Jesus’s command to go out into the world and make disciples (Mark 16:15). Whether it’s on the street, at the market, or the drive-thru window, challenge yourself to do His will as you tell others about His glorious deeds and finished work on the cross. 

Related: 6 Tips for Saving Money at Christmastime

4. Quiet Time with Jesus

Now’s a time like any other to retreat to the secret place. It may be on Christmas Day or a typical morning. This season, head to that familiar pavilion of prayer, stillness, and meditation. Digest His word and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Engage in your prayer language or play your worship playlist. Do you like expressing yourself to God in writing? Bring out your journal and pen your heart to God. There’s so many ways to invite Jesus in during your quiet time. What matters most is that you allow Him to refresh you and remind you that every day is a day the Lord has made.

5. Watch Christ-Centered Programs

Over the years, movies and television shows about the Bible have come to forefront. If you don’t want to watch another cheesy Christmas Hallmark movie, trying shifting to The Chosen. It’s critically acclaimed for its biblical accuracy and wholesome portrayal of Jesus Christ our Lord. It’s sure to kindle a fire in your soul. Get your children together and binge watch Superbook, Prince of Egypt, or Joseph: King of Dreams. There’s even faith-based subscriptions you can sign up with to watch movies like ‘War Room,’ ‘An Interview with God’ and much more.

Don’t feel overwhelmed about the Christmas holiday. The true meaning of Christmas is in Jesus Christ, not in activities. Of course, this list is not exhaustive so we’d love to hear from you in the comments. How do you keep the Christ in Christmas?