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There’s Been a Week-Long Revival Happening at Asbury University

Revival in Asbury

Revival is happening at Asbury University, a Christian college in Wilmore, Kentucky. Spirit-filled worship has been going on for 24-hours a day, all week long as students delight in the presence of God. No bells, no whistles. Only surrendered, hungry students.

Students of the university are required to attend regular chapel services. But something miraculous happened on February 8, 2023. No one wanted to leave. It is now day 7 of non-stop prayer, worship, and transcendence. 

The presence of the Holy Spirit is tangible and palpable as the outpouring of His spirit fills every individual with a heartfelt desire to worship and intercede. Reporters say that students and attendees are laying prostrate on the floor, confessing, repenting, worshipping and honoring God.

Indeed, video footage of the revival is captivating to both the physical and spiritual senses—evoking a contagious desire to pray.

A recent news report from CBN News states that more than 3,000 people have come to join the revival from near and far. Students have trickled in from nearby schools, as well as from other states.

A Record of Revivals in Wilmore

A small Christian college, many have never even heard of Asbury University. Formerly known as Asbury College, the school has a historic record of revivals dating back to its first revival in 1905 and another in 1970 that lasted 144 hours. The last one occurred in February of 2006. Yet, after more than two decades, the revival at Asbury University is described as “a movement that only God could orchestrate and keep going.” It’s far from fake or forced.

A professor of the University tells Christianity Today:

“Many people say that in the chapel they hardly even realize how much time has elapsed. It is almost as though time and eternity blur together as heaven and earth meet. Anyone who has witnessed it can agree that something unusual and unscripted is happening.”

The question is unanswered as to why revivals are constant in Wilmore, Kentucky. But in 2023, this moment encourages all onlookers that the love of God that is found in His presence, is enough. It is supernatural.

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The Call for Widespread Revival

Christians are longing to see this revival in Asbury spread across the nation. Is it far-fetched to think this country has lost sight of God’s holy, marvelous glory? The awe and reverence for His majesty? But that’s what revival is for.

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. — 2 Chronicles 7:14

With our faith and humility towards Christ, He will heal all divisions and corruption that has wearied us. We can still turn back and surrender to God’s healing, Holy Spirit.

According to Titus 3:5-6, “He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior.” God is merciful and one ministry of the Holy Spirit is to renew and comfort the believers. He willingly pours out Himself in great measure upon us and His grace is unfathomable.

That seems to be happening right now at Asbury University. The workings of a holy God has filled His people once again. As the Azusa Street Revival broke out and won many souls of different backgrounds to Christ, the prayer is that the revival in Asbury will wake up a collective consciousness in every man and woman that there’s more. May we arise to the light that is Christ.