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Spending New Year’s Eve with Jesus

About five years ago, I decided to spend my New Year’s Eve differently. I was alone in my parents’ home with no parties to attend and it dawned on me. How wonderful would it be to spend time with Jesus into the New Year? I went down to our basement with my phone and a journal. I sang songs, wrote prayers, and passed midnight focusing on the Lord. Ever since, I have continued this tradition of spending New Year’s Eve with Jesus. I don’t always stay up until midnight, but I always set aside time to seek God and hear from Him at that time. I want to share with you some of the ways I intentionally spend this time.  This will be a guide for you if you desire to do the same and spend time with Jesus on New Year’s Eve.

1. Create a Playlist

Put together a playlist of your favorite songs from the year. You can even use Spotify’s yearly wrap up that shows you which songs you listened to the most. If you already have a playlist, then get your phone. You can also create one before the evening time. Pick out your favorite worship songs of the year—the ones that were the most meaningful and repeated.

Worship your heart out listening, singing, and even dancing to them. Show the Lord your praise and gratitude. You can start with worship or end with it, singing praises into midnight. 

2. Grab a Journal

Write down every negative emotion from the past and about the coming year. Journal about any unhealed hurt from 2022. Share the difficult things you have experienced with God and be honest with Him. Tell Him about your worries and fears. We may think that God only wants our gratitude, but the reality is, He wants everything. What better time to give all those burdens to Him? Have you not been upfront about some things? Now you have the perfect opportunity to say them to God.

Often times, confronting negative emotions can be uncomfortable and hard. Take deep breaths and move to another activity if you feel overwhelmed. We should be honest before Him, but sometimes He has better timing for when He wants us to address certain things. As you share these parts of your year and confide in God about the hard things to come—invite Him to speak into these matters.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Ask the Lord, “What do you want me to know about this hurt? What do you want me to hear about this person I can’t forgive?” Don’t worry about hearing God’s voice perfectly. Jot down whatever comes into your mind. If it’s loving, grace-filled, hopeful, and aligned with God’s wordyou just heard from Him. If you hear silence, that’s okay. God is with you and will reveal things over time.

Once you feel like you have shared your heart with the Lord, and He has spoken into it—do the same with all your positive emotions. Remember those wonderful moments from the past year. The prayers answered and the blessings you received. It can be as simple as feeling more confident or as big getting married. Doing this will bring joy to your heart.

Praise and thank Him. Rejoice. Smile. Laugh. Look at photos. Tell Him your stories. Ask Him about these too, inviting His voice into your joys. “God, what do you want me to know about my growing confidence?” as an example.  He absolutely wants to delight with you over these things, no matter how big or small. Keep your Bible or app nearby because He might just have a verse for you.

Related: 7 Godly New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

3. Pray

You have already been praying while worshipping and journaling, but now spend some intentional time laying your heart requests before Him. What are you most longing for or needing this next year? Who do you want to build relationship with? What are you still praying for that you long to see an answer to?

If you can’t choose specific requests or you can’t think of one, invite God to help you focus. He might surprise you with what He guides you to press into. It could be a name or an area of your life. He knows best what He intends to do in the coming year.

As you are planning on spending New Year’s Eve with Jesus, gather prayer requests from friends and family so you can pray for others too. 

4. Ask Him for a Word

Ask God for a word, scripture, or song to focus on for the coming year. If you find meaning in having a word to meditate on for a new year or a scripture to go to, then ask God if He has that for you. Sometimes, you may not sense anything specific. If so, just consider what you’ve already written. You may find a word, truth, or a verse in songs you love, or in your prayers.

Resist Perfection

I have been spending New Year’s Eve with Jesus using many of these steps. However, you do not have to force any of these suggestions. God wants your heart to flow freely to Him.

Don’t worry if you go to bed before early. You can spend time with Jesus at your bedtime, even if that’s earlier than midnight. There’s no need to be stringent, because it’s your heart that matters. You can spend quality time with Him on January 1st or over many days. It can be 30 minutes or two hours, with singing or being completely quiet, or with people or alone.

All in all, I encourage you to set aside a time to seek and acknowledge God for the past year and the year to come.