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4 Proclamations to Speak Over Your Life

I’ve been saved for 12 years now and I have learned that there is a catch to abundant living through Jesus while on Earth. Although it is free for every Christian, we must grab hold of it for ourselves by believing, trusting, aligning, and proclaiming that our life is what God says it is!

Proclaiming the promises of God is not a new age, “name it and claim it” belief system! The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That simply means that we have the authority to speak  life or death over our circumstances and reap the fruits of what we or others say.

When I first read that verse, I knew that I needed to intentionally align myself with what God has already said about me in His word. What we say about ourselves really matters! I started speaking scripture-based proclamations over my life and claiming them by faith. As a result, it has completely improved my outlook. Here’s 4 proclamations to speak over your life today:

Proclamation #1: God Wants Me to Prosper! 

3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health—just as your soul prospers.” 

We serve a prosperous God and He wants us to prosper in everything, including our health and well-being. “Prosperity gospel” a false gospel that typically teaches that God rewards faith and hefty tithing with financial blessings. This is not that. This is about having enough faith to believe that God actually wants to see us thrive. It says so in His word, so we can take it up with Him. 

Before accepting that God wants me to prosper, I realized I had not been agreeing with Him on what He says. I would say things like “Lord if it’s your will that I have xyz, then so be it in Jesus name.” Well, it is His will if it’s in the word. Instead, I started saying “Lord I believe as Your word says in Psalm 37:4, you have given me the desires of my heart and in Psalm 1:3, I am a tree planted by the rivers of living water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither–whatever I do prospers”. If these things were not true, God would not have said them. He’s not a liar. Align yourself with what God says about you in faith and do not accept anything else.

Proclamation #2: I Am Not Ruled By Fear!

Fear is lie from the enemy that agreed with for my most of my life. I didn’t overcome it until I got saved at 22. As Christians, we must intentionally align with God’s truth because it doesn’t supernaturally inject itself into us. We have to “hide God’s word in our heart.” (Psalm 119:11). That’s how we combat fear. Fear is the opposite of faith! 

The Bible says “do not be afraid” 365 times. If God is commanding us to not be afraid, what a coincidence that satan who is the father of lies would want us to be afraid! To me it’s clear, God can’t do anything with fear, because fear is not of Him. In fact, in the Bible He calls fear a spirit, and He says that it’s not from Him. Since God is also a spirit, and since it’s not of Him, that means that fear is a demonic spirit.

I changed this fearful mindset I had toward the unknown by claiming everyday, multiple times a day that as 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind!” 

Proclamation #3: I Will Be a Wife and Mother!

I declared this when I was a single woman and when I was desiring to be a mother after getting married. I remember hearing often as a single woman to wait on the Lord’s timing, He knows the desires of my heart, and if I’m desiring to get married I will. However, this was one of my hardest areas in life to keep faith in. 

One of my top heart desires was to be a wife and mother. I “felt” I would be a wife and mother in my early twenties so when my early twenties came and went with no husband or children, my faith was rocked like a tiny boat in a raging ocean storm. In desperation, I clung to Psalm 128:3 and spoke it, applying to myself over and over, “I will be a wife, and a fruitful flourishing vine in the center of my home,  my  children will be like olive plants around my table.” I no longer cared that I was unwed with no children. I knew God was not a liar and He said He would give me the desires of my heart.

Years after getting married, my husband and I agreed to start having children. You can guess that when my OB told me that I showed signs that I don’t ovulate, it was confusing and baited me right back into fear that I wouldn’t ever be a mother. My husband was the first to reject this lie for us. He said “are we going to believe what this man says or what God says? Because God gave us peace to start having children.” I knew he was right and I immediately went back to proclaiming Psalm 128:3 over myself, “that MY CHILDREN will be like olive plants around MY table.” 

Sometimes you have to be firm with your stubborn human mind and center it back on truth! It was truly a miracle indeed because not even 3 weeks after receiving that report from my doctor, I was pregnant!

Proclamation #4: I Am Not An Orphan!

I am not physically an orphan. I was raised by my single mother who did the best she could, and I had a father who I saw every other weekend. My home life was very much broken. But spiritually, I grew up having a orphan-spirit mentality into adulthood. It is an oppressive spirit and not of God. It causes emotional and mental anguish by causing feelings of abandonment due to past hurts and trials. 

According to Awakening Magazine:

“The problem with an Orphan Spirit in today’s culture is that many Christians will profess outwardly to know God as Father, but experience an internal contradiction to that belief. They have a hidden struggle to comprehend and receive the Truth that God loves them.”

This is a false mindset that torments many. To break it, I switched my thinking from abandonment to Psalm 27:10 that says “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.” We are not victims of our past, and we will never be abandoned if the Lord is on our father. If we are a child of God, He is always on our side.


Jesus Christ promised us eternal life and a life of abundance. Both are freely available and possible. Cry out to the Lord today and ask Him to reveal mistruths to you, then take those lies and start proclaiming God’s truth over them and you. Keep distinguishing those arrows with your shield of faith and satan will flee. God’s got this, and He’s got you.