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Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy

Recently, I’ve been asking myself why it’s so hard to resist feelings of inadequacy when I already know it’s the enemy and not the Father. The simple answer is because the devil gives us visuals that we can see when God calls for us to have faith, the substance of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). This is where the fight against inadequacy begins. 

Which is easier to believe, what you can, or can’t see? Since we are made from things of the “air,” the world gravitates to our flesh, naturally. Wickedness rules the air. Things that appear real are actually illusions. Ephesians 2:2 says, “in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.” 

Recognizing Inadequacy 

We know God says we are enough, but still, we’ve all found ourselves questioning this very thing. Tapping into the true essence of God’s power requires faith. We have to abandon the enemy taunts and believe what God promised. Get in on a conversation with podcasts like Woman Evolve TV, With the Perry’s or Car Chats with Naomi Raine.

Have you ever thought to yourself, if only I had more, then I would be enough? Whether it was more knowledge for the job, more understanding for the kids, or more “body” for a man–it’s never a good feeling. Believing you are not enough is a gateway leading you outside of your purpose. Depression and suicidal thoughts are real–sometimes, subtle like a quiet voice that gets louder the more you listen. Until it becomes stronger than your will to make it go away.

Feelings are Fleeting 

When I’ve dealt with inadequacy, I realized that the strongest waves of self-doubt consumed me when I was constantly trying to prove to other people that I was enough. The powerful influence of social media played a big part for me. The spirit of comparison swirled around me, seeking to plant seeds of jealousy and envy that would ultimately lead to my depression as I was intertwining my identity with their admiration. In moments like these we must remember: inadequacy is just a feeling. It has no more power than the amount you give it. 

When you don’t know who Christ is, you don’t know who you are. That’s why the number one trick the enemy uses is to get you to think of yourself as not enough, dirty, filthy, stupid, or weak when God sees you as the complete opposite.

Know God, Know Yourself

It’s so important to learn God’s character. Read His word! Internalize His voice, not just for remembrance’s sake, but because we are made in His image. The power He gave to Jesus, He entrusted to all of us. When we get to know God better, we are also learning more about ourselves. 

Any voice that speaks death is not of God. He says that we will live and not die. He conquered death so we could walk out our purpose with His spirit inside of us. Take heed! Matthew 7:15-20 says, “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” 

Related: 4 Proclamation to Speak Over your Life 

Ignore the Lies Inadequacy Brings

When we decide to trust God and make the decision to be “born again,” there should be a shift. You will be enticed sometimes. And now that you have conviction, a war will take place. Now when the voice of inadequacy attempts to throw you off, there will be another voice of godly reason. The voice of God will discredit every word with scripture. With His voice, you won’t fail. 

The voice of the enemy will try to overshadow all God has done for you by highlighting others more knowledgeable than you, or a person that seemingly has the perfect life compared to yours. But what he is showing you is a lie. 

I pray for you to have the strength to cast down thoughts of inadequacy. For God’s purposes concerning every role He has given youmotherhood, wifehood, daughterhood, ministry, or the likeyou are enough.