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Testimony: The Emotions of Feeling ‘Seen’

My testimony is one that many girls who have grown up in a Christian home can relate to. I accepted Christ when I was 11 years old, after watching The Jesus Film. I hope some other millennials know it! After watching Jesus crucified, the movie invited me to say “the prayer” and I did. I will always remember that as the day I was saved.

I  believe all of us are saved and secure once we have chosen to believe the reality of Christ and invited Him into our life. However, the turning point in my faith—the moment I went from I believe, to I am ALL in, came much later. 

I had always felt very overlooked growing up, especially by the male sex. I carried an insecurity and belief that I just wasn’t all that beautiful or worth liking. So, when a cute guy really liked me and was attracted to me my freshman year of college, I was thrilled and stunned. I gave into the powerful emotions of feeling seen, wanted, attractive, and more. Despite the fact that this young man was not a Christian, (and that mattered to me) I continued to entertain our relationship. Soon enough, it became inappropriate. I gave in and sexted with this young man, following the high of lust and attraction. After this incident, I crashed and was filled with shame, regret, disgust, and more.

Related: Loving Deeper

I did not feel seen and I felt I had betrayed my faith and God. I reached out to a friend who I told the whole story to and that person showed me God’s love and forgiveness in the most tangible way I had ever experienced. Finally, I felt God cared about my life in a real way and I knew I would never be the same. Not that I wouldn’t sin again or be tempted—that is another journey to be written on. But I decided in that moment of pure forgiveness, truth, and love from the Lord, that I wanted to give Him myself, my heart, and my desires. I wanted more of Him. Since that day, I have continuously grown in my faith and relationship with Him. 

That event changed my faith, but my testimony continues, every day, as I walk with Jesus in the garden, learning from Him, as do we all.