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The Love Of A Father

What is a Father? 

He is a protecter. A provider. A support system for his family. He is a first look at what it should be to feel loved. A father embodies the character traits of God.  Earthly fathers are given to us a tangible representation of God’s loving acceptance of us.

Some of us have beautiful relationships with our fathers, while others never got to experience the bliss of being “daddy’s little girl.”

Many have been forsaken by the person who makes up half of who we are—whether it’s from their passing or intentional absence. Even so, we have a Father in heaven who loves us so dearly, who considers us equally, and sees us as the most precious in His sight. 

The Joys of Daughterhood 

There’s a song called, Good Father by Housefires that says, “you’re a good good Father, it’s who you are, and I’m loved by you, it’s who I am.”

Our very identity is rooted in how much God loves us simply because He created us in His image. Because, He is love, we are loved.

As women of God, we  nurture, serve, and stretch ourselves for our lineage. We are expected to love, but do we take the time to receive love?

That’s what our Heavenly Father wants for us. For us to rest in His unconditional love and kindness.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23 

There is much healing to be found in accepting love that doesn’t require us to prove our worth. 

True Love in God

Our Heavenly Father wants to heal our hearts. He makes us clean. He calls us whole. Honestly, I’ve never known a love to be more than enough, and yet—here He is…being everything I ever needed.

God knows you and I better than we know ourselves. He understands our thoughts. There is nothing that compares to how intentionally He will fight for you. He will never leave your side. Everywhere you look, there He will be.

To Our Father In Heaven,

I can’t help but to be in awe of Your presence. That alone is enough to keep my heart from the ways it used to wander. And even when I lose myself in the crowds of this crazy world, You are merciful with grace. You lead me home with a gentle hand. You nourish what’s broken with compassion. May I never forget all You’ve sacrificed for my sake. For there is no greater love than You. 

Happy Father’s Day