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Three Things Only Christians Understand

As Christians, there are some things you just know. When you give your life to Jesus and begin to learn more about him, it changes you. You become open to a whole new love you didn’t know existed creating a desire to invite God’s principles in every area of your life. The old you is put to death, as a new you is born. The ways of Christ become the motive behind every move you make. 

However, when you interact with people who have yet to make this transition, the concepts you now live by may seem foreign to them. Just think if you were to see your neighbor put a rock in their mailbox. Day after day, morning after morning, they places a rock in they mailbox and leave. This behavior is very strange in your eyes so one day the spirit leads you to ask them why.

Your neighbor explains how their mailbox door is loose and sometimes the wind will blow it open. The rock serves as a paper weight for the mailman to  keep the mail in place.

In that moment the behavior doesn’t seem strange, but with context, it changes your perspective. The same process happens with interactions between the believer and the unbeliever.

 Here are 3 things only Christians can understand, but non-Christians should know:

Walking by Faith

There is a certain posture you must learn when it comes to following God. A part of that posture is being content with living in the unknown. Faith is a fundamental principle we get a taste of when we first decide to believe in a God we cannot see. However, that is only the beginning. God wants to know will you go without even knowing where the destination is. It’s easy to believe you will reach a set goal when you have all the resources, but what about when you have none? 

Faith is a very unique process. To unbelievers, it can be hard to grasp the idea of trusting something to happen without seeing evidence. That is why it is important for Christians to demonstrate by seeing every test through to the end. Our testimonies speak to how, with God, all things are possible.

Denying Your Feelings

Can you remember the moment you realized that your feelings were not your friend? If you are not careful, unchecked inclinations can lead you into some bad situations. What unbelievers should know is that there is another voice outside of your feelings that is introduced during your journey with Jesus. Sometimes, this voice can be hard to hear because our feelings are tend to be overwhelming to the point that nothing else can get through.

It is extremely harmful training yourself to only listen to what’s loudest, because then you’ll miss the whispers of God. God does not want you to be a slave to your emotions, or to Him. That’s why he gave you a choice. When those feelings do arise, coaxing you to step outside of God’s will, you have the authority through Jesus to say no! Intentional time with our Father gives Him space to teach us how to deny our rouge desires in ways we can understand.

Although feelings are a big part of denial, sometimes God will call for you to give things up because sacrifice only brings you closer to Him. In Matthew 16:24 he told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Jesus paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross, but we must still crucify our flesh daily to become more like him. 

Relatable: When God Speaks, Listen With Courage

Peace Surpassing All Understanding

For those that has never experienced the peace of the Lord, your methods of coping may appear counterproductive to them. I mean… can you blame them? When Jesus was asleep during the storm, even the disciples questioned his lack of worry. It is one of the greatest mysteries of God and all his divinity. How something so calming can exist in the midst of total disaster. Perhaps that’s why Philippians 4:7 refers to it as the peace that transcends all understanding, because it doesn’t add up logically. 

Being a mother, wife, daughter, etc., it’s easy to believe the lie that you are unseen. The truth is when you dedicate everything to running after God’s heart, it is not in vain. Even when you think you’ve come up short, others see your drive, and want to understand what is behind your passion. The next time someone wants to know why you are putting rocks in your mailbox, tell them why. Tell them about Jesus.