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Tahmar Arayomi Gives First Word of the Lord for 2023

On February 9th, Prophetess Tahmar Arayomi publicly released her very first Word of the Lord for the year 2023.

2023 is shaping up to be a year to remember and one with great shaking. Amidst the shaking, there are many signs that God remains in control and continues to position His army of revivalists.

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Tahmar Arayomi is a minister and wife of Apostle Tomi Arayomi, founder of RIG Nation Global. The Arayomis have three beautiful children together and seek to restore the apostolic and prophetic ministry back into the Body of Christ.

Her exciting prophetic message touches on various nations and highlights God’s intentions for His next move (Amos 3:7). Prophetess Tamar discusses 10 points:

  1. God is releasing His evangelists again
  2. God is bringing the media platforms full circle
  3. God is raising interdependent ministries
  4. God is raising a body that will turn and face the court systems head on
  5. God is restoring the five-fold ministry back to the church
  6. God is causing an influx of Westerners back to the East
  7. God is doing something significant with Dubai and the UAE
  8. God is making Nigerian like Zion and has set Isaiah 60:10 upon the nation
  9. God will make 2023 a year of His sending
  10. God is passing the baton to the next generation of leaders in Jamaica

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Listen to the clip for the full details of this prophetic message from Tahmar Arayomi in her Word of the Lord for 2023. Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below and tell us what resonates with you.